
>> Saturday, May 15, 2010

Ok. This week I feel like I'm doing MUCH better. Lets face it. Last week was a bit embarrasing for me. Especially being "team captain" and all. (yikes!) But... I still don't think I'm in the 70's range. We will see how the next few days go. I did horribly thursday and forgot to take my multi, couldn't drink enough water, and was SO hungry before bed that I gave into temptation. =( leaving me with 8 lousy points. I can't let up now so I think I will be counting it as my free day and push through sat. and sunday. My temptation for bad things is out of town. Otherwise I KNOW he'd be wanting Saturday to be a free day. (bless his heart) He's doing the Half Marathon in Ogden this morning so everyone cross your fingers that he does well. I miss him terribly.


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