
>> Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Oh man, I will just announce to you all I have considered quitting and just giving you all the money. Yesterday night I felt to quit and not do it any more. I have never had to worry--no be conscientious of what I eat. I just go "hey that sounds good" and eat it!
I think I have an addiction to unhealthy eating.


Diana May 4, 2010 at 7:47 PM  

I hear you! I was just talking to Kamilla today and discussing how I didn't realize how much food is a part of our lives until I was trying to eat better. My neighbor brought over cinnamon rolls and my in laws brought doughnuts to have after Aurie's dance recital. Talk about tough. Just remember you do have a free day.

Kamilla Bell May 4, 2010 at 8:40 PM  

Keep GOING. You can totally do this Kelsey. SERIOUSLY. It will get easier and easier as you go. Think of it as Health Insurance. It will make your little body so much happier in the long run. (not to say that it's not happy already) Another thing to remember is the $$$. Keep on keeping on!

Kambria May 4, 2010 at 9:17 PM  

Guess what? Monday was my free day, well my free night, yeah I got bugged that I ddin't exercise, so I ate a chocolate since I was making the day not count for points. haha But today I did so good and it feels great!!! So I know how ya feel and I KNOW you can do it!!!

Anonymous May 5, 2010 at 8:30 AM  

I thought about quitting too. I was thinking that it's absurd for a someone as far along in my pregnancy to try to cut out sugar and french fries. Yesterday I had sugar AND caffine. I thought, "I'm never going to win. Why bother?" Then I realized that doing it and doing my best was better than just throwing in the towel. It's worth it to me to learn to think about the choices I'm making and to have to PLAN because eating healthy takes planning. Every day is a new day and it will be a better month on the overall even if I don't quite get all my points EVERY day. Plus, it's nice to be part of a support group that has the same goals and struggles. The good thing is that I haven't had fast food! I'm just not sure how to give up my Simply Lemonade.

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