Modification Suggestion for the Excercise Rule

>> Friday, May 21, 2010

Even though I'm not in the running for first place, I'm really enjoying the healthy challenge.  I know that I've done WAY better on the challenge than living completely unrestricted.  I'm kind of obsessed with the rules and making them better so I have an idea for the Exercise rule. (for round 2 of course)

20 minutes a day for 6 days during the week, 2 points each day = 12 points (total minutes 120)
30 minutes a day for 4 days during the week, 3 points each day =  12 points (total minutes 120)
You would be able to choose week to week which schedule you wanted to follow.

This would make my life easier. Just an idea. Let me know the pro's and cons or if this even makes sense.


Diana May 21, 2010 at 8:15 PM  

Great idea! I'm all for it. I think it would make it a little easier, esp. if you miss a day of exercise you could just do a longer amount to make up for that day on another day.

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