simplifyin' the blog

>> Friday, April 30, 2010

So instead of everyone logging in as group healthy, you could log in with your own user name and password! That way your posts will say "posted by Kambria" (your name). This will be good because then we will know who posts what in case we forget to sign our post in the text. Also it will post our name when we comment.

It is done by adding each of you as a blog author. Just make sure Kamilla has your email address and then I will use those addressess to make you an author. Then you will receive an email inviting you to the blog. click the link. then login if you already use blogger. if you have never used blogger before, it will tell you to create a username and password.

I hope, hope, hope this is helpful and makes it easier to login and post your points!

Yeah! (is this okay Kamilla?)

(see how below it says posted by Kambria instead of group healthy) =)


Kamilla Bell May 1, 2010 at 9:36 AM  

PERFECT! I don't know why I didn't think of that! Thanks Kambria for fixing that feature for us!

Kelsey Peterson May 1, 2010 at 10:05 AM  

We don't really have to email Kamilla do we? We can just add ourselves if we log in like previously and then add ourselves.

Kambria May 1, 2010 at 10:21 AM  

yep kels. but if the others don't want to figure that out, I was just saying kamilla could email me thier emails and i would do it (so kamilla i only have a few, but what about christy and kenna and sean and everyone elses?) :)

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