Fast Sunday question

>> Friday, February 4, 2011

I was thinking about Fast Sunday, for those of us who fast once a month. What do you think? Can we not lose points on the meals/ snacks/ water we miss while fasting? Or if we don't want to miss points do we need to make this our free day? My feeling is that since fasting once a month is "healthy" it shouldn't reduce our totals, but I welcome discussion on this. It would be nice if we could decide on this quickly as it may be affecting my weekend plans (date night). Thanks!


Diana February 4, 2011 at 1:24 PM  

I think that you should make fast Sunday your free day. At least that was my plan. I figured that Sunday will always be my free day since it is hard to get three meals in, snacks, and exercise on Sunday with church meetings and such.

David and Alisha February 5, 2011 at 3:18 PM  

They have actually scientifically proven that fasting once a month is good for you! Just fyi.

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