HFCS- High Fructose Corn Syrup

>> Saturday, April 17, 2010

So, I was reading my Dr. Mercola newsletter. Found this. And thought I'd like to share.

High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) has become a modern-day plague. Not only does it contribute to our obesity epidemic, but it has also been linked to diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

Sadly, the average consumption of fructose has doubled between 1980 and 1994. Soft drinks and some fruit drinks are a major source of HFCS, but it is also found in many other products, from crackers to salad dressing.

Fructose contains zero enzymes, vitamins or minerals- and it leeches micro nutrients from your body. It doesn't metabolize the same as sugar and because it's often consumed as a liquid, it's negative effects are multiplied.

Why is it found in so many products? Because, after air, water, and salt, it's the cheapest ingredient in the American food chain (and we know how the food industry likes to save money...)

I'd also urge you to be on the lookout for HFCS in its many "disguises"- conveniently (for the food industry) labeled as chicory, inulin, isoglucose, glucose-fructose syrup, fruit fructose, and others.


So...in short. Avoid this. It makes you fat and ruins your metabolism and also makes you hungrier. Just thought I'd share that little tid bit.

-management (kamilla)


Point Update

>> Tuesday, April 13, 2010

It has come to our attention that the "8 bonus point" rule is moot. If everyone gets 8 bonus points to use however they want, whether at the beginning or end of the challenge it doesn't really help (or hinder) anyone.

Please disregard the portion of the Healthy Challenge Requirements that discuss the 8 bonus points.

The Management (Kamilla)


Looking forward to the Challenge!

>> Monday, April 12, 2010

Well, I'll just have you all know that I am definitely on board with this new goal. I'm excited and hope I can stay motivated. Sweets are definitely my weakness. As for the water consumption, 2 liters does seem like a lot, but they usually say to drink 8 cups of water a day. 8 oz. is a cup full. Times that by 8 and that equals 64 oz. So I don't think that is anymore than the recommended. Any other opinions?
Thanks for putting this together Kamilla!



The Countdown Begins!!!

21 days until it starts. Terra said I should practice drinking 2 liters of water a day. So far I think it's too much. What do you think? Should we change that? I know water drinking is important but WOW! Maria said that each person should consume 1/2 of their body weight in Oz. I think. That seems like a lot still.

Let me know what you think.


Gearing Up

>> Sunday, April 11, 2010

I am really trying to get prepped for this healthy challenge. I'm kind of nervous because now that I've familiarized myself with the rules, I'm becoming more aware of all the naughty habits I have. I'm glad we have until May 3rd to start because I need the time to really get in the mindset of no sugar, no caffeine, no french fries etc. I'm in deep trouble if I'm going to try and have this baby natural-- I can't be gaining all sorts of unnecessary weight. I just don't fancy delivering a 9 pound french fry baby, especially on the first go round. I haven't gained a ton of weight up to this point because I haven't had much of an appetite until the past month. Unfortunately I've gotten kind of out of control because I'm not working and I have a lot of alone time to eat whatever I'm craving. Somehow I managed to discover Little Debbie's Fancy Cakes. It's bad. I know it's bad because over the past couple of days since Kamilla told me about the challenge, I've had to face what I've been doing to me and little bonnet in my belly.

I really hope we have a lot of participants! Can't wait to see who joins!



A Healthy Snack Idea

"Cocoa-Nut" Bananas. Found this on the website eatingwell.com I saved it in my favorites for a quick resource when nothing sounds good or I'm looking for ideas.
4tsp. cocoa powder
4 tsp. coconut
2 small bananas
place cocoa and coconut on seperate plates and then roll each banana slice in the cocoa, shake off the excess and then dip in the coconut. YUM!

for your eating pleasure,



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