
>> Saturday, May 15, 2010

Ok. This week I feel like I'm doing MUCH better. Lets face it. Last week was a bit embarrasing for me. Especially being "team captain" and all. (yikes!) But... I still don't think I'm in the 70's range. We will see how the next few days go. I did horribly thursday and forgot to take my multi, couldn't drink enough water, and was SO hungry before bed that I gave into temptation. =( leaving me with 8 lousy points. I can't let up now so I think I will be counting it as my free day and push through sat. and sunday. My temptation for bad things is out of town. Otherwise I KNOW he'd be wanting Saturday to be a free day. (bless his heart) He's doing the Half Marathon in Ogden this morning so everyone cross your fingers that he does well. I miss him terribly.


Revisiting the sugar rule

>> Thursday, May 13, 2010

Seems like a lot of us struggle with sugar. Personally loosing only 1 point isn't much of a motivater for me.  I think we should alter the rule a bit (for my own sake).  If I cave early in the day with sugar and I already know I"ve blown that point, I'll definately eat more sugar that day.

Maybe we could loose a point for each serving of sugar we have that day...OR make it worth 2 points like excercise and toss out the "no unhealthy snacks rule". Just throwing it out there. We could start next week or wait until the next challenge but I need more incentive personally. Let me know if that would mess everybody up or help...?

Kason and Krystal were here Monday thru Thursday and we really lived it up. I'm scared to count my points. The only thing I know I got in was my excercise from all the walking. Murder she wrote.


We want to post!!

>> Monday, May 10, 2010

I don't know why it wouldn't work SUNDAY!! I just barely tried it and it let me on!!! So please don't make us lose a point!! :D I got 70 pts and Aaron got 71 points!!


Sean And Kenna

Sean: 55

Kenna: 52


Point Roundup

My happy point total is 60. Some exercise points killed me off at first but other than that I was doing really good and felt happy. Until the weekend rolled around and sugar was everywhere and in every activity. I think it really helps to have your whole household doing the challenge. So yea! to those that are going solo and strong.

Kayla and Aaron's "Well for some reason it wasn't letting us post on the blog so we are positng our scores in a comment. Kayla got 70! and Aaron got 71! Aaron would have been perfect but he completely forgot and ate some jello at my family's house today. . . darn huh!! haha, anyways we are doing good so far but its extremely hard. . . we hope we can keep it up this next week."

(to post go to and log in. for some reason you can't check the top of Group Healthy blog and do a new post)

P.S. I am so impressed with everyone who only missed a point or two cause it was just slip-ups and nothing indulging (like ice cream). Way to be committed to getting healthy!


Maria and Mark's Points

>> Sunday, May 9, 2010

Maria got 58 points
Mark got 50


Nick and Kamilla

This week was HARD. I'm planning on stepping it up this week and hoping that you all will give in to temptation and not do so well....

Kamilla: 46

oh my.

We can DO THIS. Plan on some serious points next week!


Opinions on the "no sugar" rule

No sugar meaning no candy, desserts, fruit juice, soda of course. But what about granola bars, syrup on pancakes, cold cereal (obviously not Trix, Lucky Charms, or the real sugary ones). Need your opinions on how sugar strict we need to be.


Diana's Points

Today (Sun) is my free day, so I am posting today. I got 71 points!!! Yes! But it was so super hard. Not to mention being pregnant and getting over the morning sickness with a new appetite that has really kicked in. I think my main motivator is of course competition (like Christy) and that my Dr. told me that he was really going to monitor my weight this pregnancy and that I really needed to watch what I eat. I guess so I don't have a 10 pounder this go round, seeing my history of large babies. I'm curious to see if the no sweets/eating healthy really has to do with the baby's weight gain. Wow, I'm really rambling away. Good luck next week to you all.


Christy's Points

Today is my free day, so I can go ahead and post. Is it okay to say that I am really enjoying this challenge? No, it's not easy, but a little friendly competition has been just the trick for me to get serious about improving my health. I earned 71 points this week. I slipped up at a ward potluck when I drank some fruit flavored drink without even thinking about it. Oops!



Alena, MaryEllen, and Morley's points.

MaryEllen: 51
Morley: 38
Alena: 34

keep on keeping on! I'm counting my points today so I'll post mine and Nicks tomorrow.




Just to clarify.... You CAN NOT. count any points on your "free day" If you have done so already please edit and re-post. Thanks.

Glenda- Your a ROCK STAR at this. SERIOUSLY.
Kelsey- I don't think you are doing as bad as you think.

I had a rough week to say the least. I caved so so much.



Can you say struggle

Well if anything this is to give a boost to other competitors and to give us a kick in the butt.
Lance got 50 points and I -Kelsey- got 46.....ha.....ha
really though
That is our point count.
I am not even going to mention where and when we slipped up. But of course it was in more than one area. Sadly I am crossing my fingers that someone else's points are close to our count.
Anxious to see what the count ends up being.


My happy points for week #1

So I made it through the week with 70 points. (I hope I beat Aaron). I lost one point on day two when I had an out of body experience putting brown sugar on my cooked oatmeal which secretly I don't like (the oatmeal, not the sugar) but it was "healthy". WOW!! We really have to be on our toes with this. Then last night I ate late again (hurray for farm life on a Saturday) and went to bed right after because I had a headache. Minus one point for the eating two hours before bedtime. Hurray for my free day and Happy Mothers Day to all you amazing mommies!


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