Water Rule and Sugar Rant
>> Sunday, May 2, 2010
Some people may have trouble with the 2 liters of water rule. If you drink milk or juice that counts as part of your ounces. A lot of us are used to drinking a glass of milk at every meal and this counts towards your overall hydration. Just be sure you check the ingredients on your juice and make sure it doesn't have any added sugar, etc.
I'm so excited that so many people are joining the challenge. The winner is going to rake it in! I'm nervous about starting tomorrow because I haven't been practicing and I'm really in a food rut. I'm super tired all the time and totally depend on sugar for a pick me up...murder she wrote. I kind of think that refined sugars/various forms of processed fructose is a very socially acceptable drug. It's addictive, it gives you a rush, it comes in so many lovely tempting forms and has no nutritional value. We should use things like butter in moderation but sugar is the devil.
A few years ago, I went to a nutritionist because I was feeling super horrible all the time and knew I needed help with my diet. He gave me a handout that says 124 ways sugar can ruin your health. Here's some highlights to motivate us all but especially me.
Sugar supresses the immune system
Sugar upsets the mineral relationships in your body.
Sugar can cause hyperactivity, anxiety, difficulty concentrating and crankiness
Sugar can cause drowsiness and decreased activity
Sugar causes loss of tissue elasticity and function which results in premature aging
Suger interferes with the absorbtion of calcium and magnesium
Sugar can weaken eyesight
Sugar causes tooth decay
Sugar can cause arthritis, gallstones, hemorrhoids, vericose veins
Sugar can interfere with the absorbtion of protein
Sugar causes food allergies
Sugar can contribute to eczema
Sugar inhibits the healthy expression of DNA
Sugar can make our skin age by changing the structure of collagen
Sugar can cause cataracts
Sugar is the #1 enemy of the bowel movement
Sugar slows food's travel time through the gastro-intestinal tract
Sugar can cause headaches including migranes
Sugar can cause depression
Sugar can cause hormonal imbalance
Sugar can exacerbate PMS
I just picked out the ones that stood out to me but there's a ton more. Here's to being healthy!
too bad I still love sugar....but that gave me a little more gas in the engine....thanks!
I'm kind of a big fat hyprocrite. i hope this post wasn't too big of a downer!! I re-read it and it felt kind of accusational..... Kamilla?
I don't think you should worry. It's kind of like a smoker knows that smoking is bad but, it is such a hard habit to break. We ALL know that eating sweets is bad for us BUT IT JUST TASTES SO GOOD. No worries. I don't think it was a downer at all. Good info to keep us motivated. I know that sugar gives yeast something to feed on and that's Nicole's biggest problem yet.... giving her sugar makes her happy. I sometimes can't resist. I just keep going and going.
the end.
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